Palma, Spain

Counterweight (Plumbed City), 2022 | CAAM, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2024 | Photo: Paco Rocha
Carlos Garaicoa presents the solo exhibition All Utopias Go Through the Belly [Toda utopía pasa por la barriga] at Es Baluard Museu d'Art Contemporani de Palma, in Spain. Curated by Lillebit Fadraga, the exhibition is organized in partnership with the Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), where it was showcased from June to September this year.
"Architecture has been the driving force behind Carlos Garaicoa’s poetics for the past thirty years, with ruins serving as an aggravating factor and leitmotif. This exhibition, however, brings together works that, if not exclusively, at least consistently, explore a concern for our place in the natural order. Lockdown during the pandemic afforded the artist an opportunity for introspection, leading to a renewed focus on drawing and works that incorporated more pronounced and frequent references to elements of nature. Attention has shifted from conventional architectural elements to vegetation, as depicted in the image of a tree that gradually crushes an already damaged building with its roots as it grows."
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